Tax Toolkit™ for Online Business Owners

The ultimate guide to understanding and minimizing your taxes as an online coach or service provider.

Taxes are a part of every business - but they don't have to be scary! Let me show you exactly what you need to know.

Inside this course you'll learn how to minimize taxes for your online business, what taxes you actually pay as a business owner, and how to calculate and pay your quarterly estimated tax payments. You'll learn what tax deductions you can take as an online business owner and how to stay out of trouble with the IRS.

Want to see inside the Tax Toolkit™? Watch this video!

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Meet Megan

Megan Naasz, CPA
Megan Naasz, CPA

I'm a CPA, money educator and financial strategist for online business owners. What does that all mean? Well, it means that I help online business owners get organized and feel confident when it comes to their money—whether it’s day-to-day management, when making big important financial decisions, maximizing your tax deductions, or keeping the IRS away from your door.

I'll help you transform the way you think about your business finances. You'll learn how to pay yourself consistently, minimize your taxes, and make sure your business expenses are covered while helping you create the structures and processes you need to keep it simple and easy.